A treat you don’t need to feel guilty about: Relieve stress with dark chocolate
10/23/2020 / By Rose Lidell / Comments
A treat you don’t need to feel guilty about: Relieve stress with dark chocolate

Whether you have a sweet tooth or you enjoy the occasional piece of candy, you can’t deny that chocolate can be something of a guilty pleasure. But according to an interesting study, eating the right kind of chocolate can also help boost your mood!

Before you devour three bars of milk chocolate in one sitting, keep in mind that the researchers studied the effects of dark chocolate. This kind of chocolate contains more antioxidants and flavonoids than other kinds.

How does dark chocolate help relieve stress?

For the study, researchers observed the stress-relieving properties and health benefits of bittersweet dark chocolate.

Study results showed that consuming at least an ounce and a half of dark chocolate a day for two weeks reduced levels of stress hormones in participants who felt highly stressed. In addition, the researchers reported that the dark chocolate helped partially correct stress-related biochemical imbalances.

The research team also observed reductions in stress hormones like cortisol, along with other stress-related biochemical changes in participants who rated themselves as highly stressed and consumed dark chocolate for two weeks.

In a press release, the scientists explained that there is “strong evidence that a daily consumption of 40 grams [1.4 ounces] during a period of 2 weeks is sufficient to modify the metabolism of healthy human volunteers.”

The study follows up on previous studies that have also shown that eating dark chocolate helps relieve stress.

Meditating with chocolate

If you think chowing on dark chocolate seems too good to be true, why not try an exercise that pairs meditation with the bittersweet treat? Chocolate meditation seems like an unusual form of mindfulness meditation, but it’s simple enough for busy bees and beginners who want to try mindfulness without getting overwhelmed.

Like other forms of meditation, chocolate meditation offers similar benefits, but with a sweet reward: Dark chocolate. Try this exercise if you want to limit your intake of regular chocolate or if you want to get used to consuming bittersweet dark chocolate instead.

Compared to white or milk chocolate, dark chocolate contains lower quantities of unhealthy ingredients like fat and sugar. Dark chocolate that is at least 70 percent cocoa is the “healthiest” variety, and it’s rich in beneficial antioxidants and antioxidants flavonoids than sweeter varieties.


  1. Get a small piece of dark chocolate. If you’re not used to bittersweet chocolate, try a small piece of milk chocolate, then gradually replace it with dark chocolate until you’re used to a less sugary treat.
  2. Relax. Take a few deep breaths and learn how to relax your muscles until you can feel your whole body relax. It’s best to start your chocolate meditation when you’re as physically relaxed as possible. Try closing your eyes to make yourself feel more relaxed.
  3. Take your time. Smell the dark chocolate and enjoy its pleasant aroma, then look at the chocolate and observe how delicious it looks. Finally, take a small bite of the chocolate. Let it sit on your tongue and melt in your mouth. Enjoy the bittersweet taste and try to identify the floral or savory notes of the treat. Continue your deep breathing, and concentrate on the sensations in your mouth: The melting chocolate and the bittersweet taste of cocoa.
  4. Focus on all the sensations. As you swallow the dark chocolate, forget your worries and focus on how it feels going down your throat and how your mouth feels empty. When you take a second bite, try to even notice how your arm feels as you raise the piece of dark chocolate to your mouth, how it feels as it slowly melts in your fingers and then in your mouth. Try to focus on the sensations you are feeling in the present moment.
  5. Re-focus on the present. If your mind starts getting flooded with all your thoughts and worries during your chocolate meditation, slowly shift your attention to the flavors and sensations associated with the dark chocolate. The idea is to stay in the present moment, savoring each bite and sensation as much as you possibly can.
  6. Savor the feeling. When you’re done savoring your dark chocolate, revisit the feeling throughout your day. As you get used to the exercise, you’ll feel more relaxed. Continue your meditation even without the dark chocolate or resume your day after you’re done with your mindfulness exercise.

Tips for chocolate meditation:

  • If you’re sensitive to chocolate or have issues with sugar, try a similar type of meditation with raisins or other sweet treats that you can eat safely eat.
  • Don’t eat too much dark chocolate. Your goal is to be more mindful, not binge-eat a lot of chocolate. In time, you’ll learn to appreciate the meditation, even if you’re only enjoying a small piece of candy.
  • Meditating every day may offer lasting benefits. It can even help you manage your stress naturally with a bit of dark chocolate.

Even though your choices are limited to dark chocolate, it’s good to know that an indulgent, bittersweet treat can do more than just satisfy your sweet tooth. Who knew dark chocolate could really boost your mood?

Note that even though dark chocolate offers health benefits, it still contains many calories, saturated fat and sugar. Researchers warn that you must consume dark chocolate in moderation to avoid emotional overeating and weight gain. You don’t even need to finish off a whole bar since a serving size between one-third and three-fourths of an ounce of dark chocolate will do.

The data doesn’t lie. Eat dark chocolate in moderation and try some mindfulness exercises to relieve stress.


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